Friday, March 13, 2015

It Came From Japan

Now onto The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening.  This game is exciting because it is the first time I’m going to play a game on an original Game Boy cart in more than a decade.  But I’m not going to squint to see my old GB fatty.  Nope, I’m picking up one of the numerous oversights by Nintendo of America: The Game Boy Light.

This guy has seen better days.

Ask anyone who tried it what the biggest problem with the Game Boy was and you get one answer, “You can’t see anything.”  All sorts of aftermarket solutions were released.   

Speakers + Light + Magnifier + Joystick = WTF?

The one I had was the Handy Boy.  You can hardly even see the system under that monstrosity.

In 1998, Nintendo came up with a solution: The Game Boy Light.  This system has two settings on the power switch.  

The first works like a traditional Game Boy Pocket with black and white color.

But flip the switch and you get this.  The light is actually behind the display and works sort of like the old indiglo watches.   
It’s easy on the eyes and you can look at it for a long time without straining your eyes.  It is everything you would want the Game Boy to be.  

Sadly, NOA never brought it over to America.  Maybe it was because the Game Boy Color came out just six months later or maybe it was NOA’s misguided beliefs in what Americans like (I’m looking at you “Play it Loud”).  

Either way, I got all my gaming information at the time from Nintendo Power so I had no idea this thing even existed until about five years ago.  They are especially popular now with chiptune musicians because you can see them in a club.  If you ever find one, I highly recommend it.  

Gator's gotta have his dog food.

As for the game, I’m loving its lighthearted attitude.  It’s a nice change of pace.  I look forward to playing more of it and its inspiration (more on that to come).

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Linking To The Past

I'm cruising right through A Link to the Past for like the 20th time.  There are a ton of reasons I love this game and I thought I'd highlight a few of my favorite moments.

The rain scene at the beginning of the game is amazing.  It feels so foreboding and you can instantly tell this game is much more cinematic than the NES games.

This was the first game with the master sword and really establishes the tradition of making the moment you get it feel epic.  It starts as soon as you enter the forest and get the buildup by pulling out fake swords.  Then, there is the long walk up to the sword and the epic moment you pull it out.  This part is cool no matter how many times you do it.

Fool, if only you knew how many rupees I would have given you for that bottle.

This game has so many secrets but this hobo living under the bridge is my favorite.  Then to top it off, he gives you one of the more valuable items in the game; a bottle.

The dark world was such a cool idea.  I love how it manifests the personalities of the people who go there.  Bunny Link is such a cool surprise the first time you get sent there.  I also love the little ball guy rolling around.

I will find you and I will hunt you down.

Oh, and who can forget being attacked be chickens, the true menace to Link.

I love all these moments and more and look forward to experiencing the rest of them again.  Onward in the Zelda quest! 

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Zelda II: The Adventure of Link

At Christmas, 1988, Grandma and Grandpa gave James and me the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES).  The system came with 2 controllers, the NES Zapper, and one game; the combination game of Super Mario Bros. and Duck Hunt.  After 2 or 3 weeks of playing that game non-stop, Dad finally got fed up and took us to Toys R Us to buy one new game each (I think it was the Mario soundtrack that was annoying him).  I remember seeing a friend of mine play Zelda II: The Adventure of Link and I knew that it would be a fantastic game.  I also knew that Super Mario Bros. 3 was an amazing game, mostly due to The Wizard movie.  I had a huge dilemma, which of these two amazing games should I get?  James, on the other hand, was holding California Games, a game featuring a girl wearing a yellow bikini on roller skates and a young man on a BMX bike wearing a GT Dyno shirt.  There was no convincing James to pick Mario 3, his mind was made up.  So, as it turned out, Dad bought me Zelda II, and there began my Zelda obsession.

I did not “beat” Zelda II until years after we bought it.  It was VERY difficult for a 7 year old and other games drew my attention (admittedly California Games was one of them).  I remember only getting to the 2nd palace and not knowing how to cross the river in the Town of Saria.  When I finally did beat it, it was mainly due to using the NES Game Atlas, which provided maps, walk-throughs, and tips for certain areas of the game. 

Turns out, I’m a real hero.

Alas, playing the game again brought back many fond memories of my childhood.  Lindsay let me play this one exclusively, due to the odd side scrolling nature of this sequel.   She watched as I played on the big screen or on the Wii U game pad (which has a small screen).  I have to admit I didn’t remember the game quite as well as I had hoped.  The palace layouts had been erased from my memory, so I had to use trial and error to help me find where I was going.  The final palace was particularly difficult to find my way through, but after a few tries, I learned the correct path.  Lindsay watched as I fought the last two bosses, Thunderbird and Dark Link.  After a satisfying cut scene, we finished the game.  Since finishing the game and writing this blog, I've continually heard Lindsay say, “Can we start A Link to the Past yet?!?”


 Dark Link

 Receiving the Triforce of Courage

 Waking up Zelda (I need to try this with Lindsay on the weekends)

Some privacy, please!

My review of the game:  Very challenging, yet very engaging.  The monsters in the game required quick reflexes and knowledge of their abilities and weaknesses.  Some of the puzzles of the game seemed unbeatable if you didn't know where to look.  For instance, finding Bagu in the forest; nearly impossible.  Lindsay often said, “How did you know to look there?” for many of the secrets throughout the game.  Some I found on my own, some were passed to me from friends, and the others were supplied via the NES Game Atlas.  One of the most important things to know about the game was when to fight monsters, or when to skip them.  Also, some of Link’s spells were barely used; Fire, Reflect, Spell, and Thunder had very little utility in the game.  On the other hand, some spells were used very frequently; Shield (damage reduction), and Life (healing) were used during difficult times.

Since this is the second game on our quest, I want to start ranking the games as we play them.  The lists will get longer and start showing differences soon, I promise.

Blake’s Picks:
1st – The Legend of Zelda
2nd – Zelda II: The Adventure of Link

Lindsay’s Picks:
1st – The Legend of Zelda
2nd – Zelda II: The Adventure of Link

Next up, A Link to the Past, originally released on the Super Nintendo.  We will be playing it on the Wii/Wii U because our SNES is experiencing some technical difficulties.
Stay tuned for more posts and follow our day-to-day adventures on our Facebook Group.